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- The Calm Before the Storm
The Calm Before the Storm
Issue #75
OPERATION Telegram Overhaul: COMPLETE!

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We Called It!
INJ (Crypto Fox)—Edge call to long Inj at 25.521 already hit a local high at 28.884 for a 13.18% unleveraged profit potential
RDDT (Crypto Fox)—TG call (alpha chat)- posted on April 10th: our 1H entry confirmation gave us an entry at 39.5. So far, we are at a local top of 42.13 for a 6.51% profit potential
BTC (Pidgeonn)—17-04 Telegram call. I called for bids live at 61k, trading up 10%, and I expect higher.
SOL (Daniel4) - longed $130-140 range, first target hit at $160 (holding most)
WLD (Daniel4) - longed $4.50-5.50 range and has hit $6.18 so far (still open)
ETH (Daniel4) - Longed $3,000, hit $3,260 so far (still open)
Macro Markets

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